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测试专用作品勿阅读的软件 章节名

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nformation on personal chefs as well as a directory of members in your area. Don’t view a personal chef as a catering service. They are more professional. For busy professionals who are looking for quality meals and more time with their family, a personal chef will prepare several entrees and side dishes, store them and clean the kitchen. For the rest of the week all you have to do is take them out of the fridge or freezer and reheat to enjoy gourmet meals all week. For families who turn to fast foods and restaurants the cost may actually be less than what they are currently paying. Some personal chefs also can be booked for private or group cooking lessons. Invite a group of your friends to learn the art of creating delectable pasties or sumptuous seafood from an expert! If you want to have a wonderful time at home, relax all day, no need to wake up in the morning to do a cookery, a personal chef is the best solution for on personal chefs as well as a directory of members in your area. Don’t view a personal chef as a catering service. They are more professional. For busy professionals who are looking for quality meals and more time with their family, a personal chef will prepare several entrees and side dishes, store them and clean the kitchen. For the rest of the week all you have to do is take them out of the fridge or freezer and reheat to enjoy gourmet meals all week. For families who turn to fast foods and restaurants the cost may actually be less than what they are currently paying. Some personal chefs also can be booked for private or group cooking lessons. Invite a group of your friends to learn the art of creating delectable pasties or sumptuous seafood from an expert! If you want to have a wonderful time at home, relax all day, no need to wake up in the morning to do a cookery, a personal chef is the best solution for you.
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